Halloween came late this year, which made it awfully awkward to walk to school in full escaped convict get-up, including scary face paint... but it was still a great time! This year my classroom theme was Spiders, so here are some of my decorations:
My "Momma Spider"
My baby spiders - this web took about two hours to make. I can now sympathize with actual spiders :)
My classroom door - another labor of love :)
Our bulletin board:
And our giant black widow with scary-face eyes:
Here's our Jack-O-Lantern, the same one of the earlier post about cutting my hand:

There was a decoration contest, but we don't know the results yet... I'm not really counting on winning. At all. :)
I was in the haunted house again this year. I think we broke last year's record of crying... There were at least two kids in each class that cried, and quite a few kids wouldn't even go through. I call that a win.
My kids, of course, were adorable.
The boys (Philip, Sun Q, Andrew, Andy):

Sun Q's costume was probably the best one in the whole school. He even did his nails :)

The girls (Becky, Laura, Sally, Evelyn, Eileen):

Our whole class, scary and swine-flu-free!

And all of the LCI teachers:

As we did last year, we had a song contest as well. If you remember, last year's was a joke, and we bombed it. This year... well, see for yourself: (please forgive the talking at the beginning - We were ready to go but Evelyn HAD to tell me her story, which was cute...then we got interrupted right at the end because it was time for the judging)
And I found out at the end of the day... FIRST PLACE!!! My kids still don't know, but they're gonna flip when they find out. They were serious about practicing this year, and it paid off!
All in all, Halloween, even when celebrated four days late, is still my favorite holiday!
Though this post is ridiculously photo-filled, I had to include these two bonus pictures. First is the shirt Philip was wearing under his Taekwondo uniform the other day:

And today was yearbook photo day for the 7-year-olds who will be moving out of LCI in February. The kids all dressed up today (We didn't know about it, and Tyler and I were sent home to change, haha) and I just had to get a photo of Ben's class... I had to have a permanent image of Eric (one of my favorites, I teach his older brother) in his bright yellow bowtie and cummerbund!!!

Love you all! Leave comments!