Thursday, June 26, 2008

Comment me!

Modified: I have fixed the comments so ANYONE can leave me a comment! Woo hoo!! Just click on "Comments" under the blog, then type your comment, enter the code word thing, then click "Name/URL" and put your name in the box (you don't have to leave a URL).

Seriously, once I'm half a world away, these comments are going to be crucial to my survival. They'll help me combat homesickness as I experience another culture. Remember, you, and only you, can prevent tourist cryers....



Anonymous said...

You look fabulous!

Unknown said...

don't get all sappy. I was gone for 2 years and I didn't have instant communication or webcams. I know you will have a great time.

Anonymous said...

I miss you already Miss Emily. My job is losing some of it's "Spirit" when you leave. Keep in touch and I know you will brighten the Korean classrooms like you did the atmosphere at our workplace!

God Bless and keep in touch!