Basically, we entered a main waiting room with about 10 numbered side-rooms all around. We went through eye-tests and hearing tests and blood tests and chest x-rays, each in a different room. At the conclusion of each test we were simply told "Now go to room 5" and we had no idea what kinds of poking and prodding the next room held! It was so exciting! :)
The really weird part was the pee-in-a-cup part. I was basically handed a Dixie Cup and three test tubes and told to go in the cup, then fill each tube. And of course, the restroom was OUTSIDE of the main room through the hospital corridor. It was very strange to be carrying three test tubes of urine.
As a special bonus, LCI treated us to Burger King at the hospital. My first crossian'wich in months!
On Friday, I FINALLY went to my first noraebang. It's basically a place with lots of little karaoke rooms that you can rent out with your friends, which Steve, Tyler, Catherine and I did. Oh my gosh it was a blast. In fact, I still don't have my voice back all the way (although the butchering of my voice allowed me to sing a very convincing Janis Joplin at the end of the night). I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

Also, the one open field in Jukjeon is now afire with the most beautiful bright orange and pink flowers. So this is the image I get to, from, and out my window of school:

Keep the comments coming! Love you all!
I love your more post about the medical exam :D Here is something to put a smile on your face:
I was in the Dr.'s office to get a sports physical as a teenager and they wanted a pee sample. I had never done one before, so the nurse told me, "Pee into the cup and put it in the bag."
So I did.
But when I came out of the restroom carrying a plastic baggie full of urine, the nurses started giggling.... I wasn't sure why until they told me that I was supposed to pee in the cup and put the CUP in the bag!! Oh, duh. I could have skipped the step of pouring the cup full of urine into the bag!!
I would have been saved the embarrassment if the nurse had been a little more specific what IT was - or I would have had some common sense, either one :D
Did you pass your eye test? If not I know a good optometrist :)
So are you healthy or what? The kareoke room sounds awesome! I so wish I could visit you...
Wow...I just read your whole blog and it's making me totally excited to get there and experience it for myself! Too bad I still have like 5 months before I get there! Hopefully it'll get here quickly!
You look like you were into the song!
Is that maverick and goose singing "you've lost that lovin feeling?" looks like tom cruise to me.
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