First, Christmas. My students WON THE SONG CONTEST!!! That's right, first place! They were sooo excited! (As was I!) They even got to do an encore performance! Then they got to watch a pretty awesome magician (he had fire and birds! it was great!) and a pretty crappy Santa (apparently Santa is incredibly old and a little grumpy).
Here are my munchkins sitting nicely in their line:
And Sun Q looking a bit frightened of Santa (or maybe just disappointed):
After we built up the anticipation of presents from Santa all day, we tortured the kids further by not allowing them to open the presents until they got home. So I don't know what they got. But I DO know what I got! My kinders' mothers all got together and bought me an ARMANI SCARF!!! It's probably the most expensive accessory I've ever owned! I didn't even wear it for a week because I was afraid of hurting it :)
The next day was Christmas, so about 7 of us got together for Christmas dinner. Here's a little photo of part of our spread (post-plate-filling, of course):
We had Chicken and Noodles, mashed potatoes, Stove Top stuffing, stove-top green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad, rolls, and two pies! It was great to feel a little American again! After dinner we drank wine and played Charades. It was a blast.
(Slightly complaining sidenote: I assume most of you who read this are people who love and care about me, so I have to include this - It was a nice dinner IN SPITE of the fact that one of my co-workers, someone I would have previously called a friend, decided Christmas Eve was the right time to pull me aside and tell me what a horrible, controlling, cutthroat, inconsiderate person I am. Basically that I do whatever it takes to be the best and be on top and I don't care who I step on or hurt in the process. I hope that when you read this you're as surprised as I was, because I certainly think that person couldn't have been further off the mark. Anyways, needed to share that, if only to get some sympathy!)
Friday morning Rick and I left bright and early to go to Taiwan! It was an amazing trip. Our itinerary was the ideal combination of "get-up-and-go-see-things" and "kick-back-and-relax." We got to eat amazing food, see an incredible Zoo and museum, and get the most wonderful massages! We also got to bathe nude with strangers in outdoor hot springs baths! (I don't have pictures of that one, hee hee)
These guys at the Mongolian BBQ can do wonders with a grill and two sticks:
Here's me and Taipei 101, currently the tallest building in the world (we went to the top!):
In front of the famous Flower Clock at Yangmingshan National Park:
And we ate at a bizarrely themed restaurant called The Modern Toilet - here's my entree and Rick's dessert:
The weather in Taiwan was beautiful, so I was a little sad to leave. But it was also nice to be back home. (It no longer seems strange to call this little box I live in "home.")
We had a pretty low-key New Year's Eve, then went into Seoul on the first to go see "Jump," a comedy-martial arts performance. It was hilarious! The best part, though, was that Rick was chosen to go up on stage with the actors! The schtick was that he was supposed to be facing off against one of the actors, doing whatever the actor does. For example, the actor kicked, then Rick kicked. Then the actor did this forward roll, backward roll into a handstand crazy move, clearly designed so the audience member couldn't do it. The awesome part was that Rick was able to do the exact same thing!! The audience AND the actors were all very impressed! He got a big applause for his stage debut!
We had to get up early again today to get him to the airport. I just checked and his plane is finally somewhere over the US. I was very happy to have a little piece of home here for the holidays... it was much needed :)
Finally, my birthday is Sunday, so instead of a regular ice cream Sunday date, we'll be getting an ice cream cake :) Also, it's looking like a bunch of us will go into Seoul for dinner on Saturday. So happy birthday to me! :)
Hope everyone had a wonderful, love-filled Christmas and a very safe and satisfying New Year's!
Love you all!
Happy late birthday! I hope it was great. So the girls and I have been contemplating the vacation that we have always talked about...Are you coming home in August, still not decided, or staying for another year?
Oh and by the way, none of your friends think that about you! We love you because of your amazing qualities. What a bunch of crap, has this person apologized? Have you got my package yet?
Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday season! I'm so jealous that Rick got to bathe nude with strangers instead of me! :) Oh, and do I need to fly to Korea and choke a b*$!h?! NOBODY TREATS MY EMILY LIKE THAT!!! I love you. doll, and think you're pretty much fantastic. Don't forget that! And congrats on your XMAS song! It was ridiculously cute, so I'm not surprised that you won! I love you so much and can Skype this weekend if you're free. Just let me know! LOVE YOU!
Hello, more blog please.....were the kids excited about their vaations?
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