Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm Awesome!

Today, I got back the weekly report from Andrew. His mom (the one who sent chocolate, so when I am "feeling distasteful, just eat chocolate and said 'Fine.'") has been asking me whether it's hard to teach children all day long, and has been making sure I'm ok. I've been trying to reassure her that the kids are good, and that her son seems to enjoy school as well.

Today she told me:

"I'm sure Andrew enjoys LCI. He says everyday that LCI is fun place to study, and lunch is very delicious at LCI. But whenever you tired of teaching children, just make punishment, and make children think you awesome!"

HA! I'm fairly certain I introduced the word "awesome" to her vocabulary (since I often use that adjective to describe her son and his progress), and I love the way she's incorporating it! Hooray for bonus English lessons!

Love you all!


Rick said...

You're teaching the whole counrty Surfer dialect!

Anonymous said...

Ashtyn totally said em today while looking at your facebook picks :)

Anonymous said...

haha pics***... can you tell I can't think straight anymore? I am going to have to say talking to a 1 year old all day doesnt do much for brain!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, I know you talked about this letter on the phone but after reading this I see where she meant to put a period after the "make children think". Then what a great compliment and a great way to use her new found,(or borrowed) word by telling you that your awesome...

ahhh, look at you girl, even teaching the parents....Of course you have spent your entire life doing that...and see how well I turned out. :)
Love you girl

Anonymous said...

I am impressed by the involvement of the parents. It must feel good to see the impact you are having on people's lives! Love you

Trish the Dish said...

got my itinerary and i'll be there on the 22nd!!! yay!

quick question for ya:
anything you didn't pack that you wish you did??