Tuesday, November 3, 2009

...but I have to quickly add...

...this funny story from today:

We were carving pumpkins for Halloween after lunch today with the Kinders. Actually, I was carving the pumpkin, and sternly reminding them to stay far away from me since I had a sharp knife... They were fascinated and kept telling me how strong I was, and that I needed to be careful...

Of course, I sliced my palm open with the blade.

After making sure that I was genuinely OK, my boys started pretend-sobbing about my injury. They were crying, "Why, Teacher?? You cut your hand!! I think Teacher's not OK!!" One boy in particular was hilarious:

In his most hysterical sob-voice, he wailed "TEEEEEEECHEERRRR!!!! Every day I say to you 'BE CAREFUL TEACHER! STAY AWAY FROM KNIVES TEACHER!' and every day you don't listen! Now you cut your hand teacher! Why you do that when I say 'BE CAREFUL' Teacher???"

I almost cut myself again because I was laughing so hard. I love these kids!

Love you all!


George Deftereos 조지 said...


I've not commented before but I'm always lurking.

How long was school out? Did you need stitches for your hand? So I guess the Halloween day is on Friday?
I came up to Itaewon last week, in a cockblock costume. Got some interesting reactions.

Emily Lucille said...

School was out for three days... I went abroad :)
My hand was fine - just clotted it with some pumpkin and it was golden, hahaha.
How the H do you dress up as a cockblock?!?! I've gotta see that!