First, we went to Cafe Condesa, which had excellent desserts and coffee. Here's Pablo with his giant tea and lemon pie:
And I had my first brownie a la mode in almost 2 years... Yum!
ps - the actual name of this in the menu was "La Revancha de Mayordomo" or "The Butler's Revenge." Ha!
This is the fountain in Cafe Condesa, similar to the one in El Parque Central:
Next we went to the travel agency so I could book a weekend trip to visit some Mayan ruins, cruise on the Rio Dulce and the Caribbean Bay, and sleep in the jungle :) Expect photos!
My itinerary:
Afterwards, we went to another old convent... Las Capuchinas, I believe. This was even more beautiful than the last one. And we took lots of silly pictures:
The garden was beautiful:
Apparently this building was (depending on who you ask) either the showers for the nuns or a form of punishment (think water torture) when they did something wrong:
I choose to believe it's a shower :)
Pablo, part monkey, shown here rocking the MegaDeth hand:
These were actually the tiny bedrooms:
They even had a couple of them done up so you could see what life was like for the nuns:
Pablo and I are very pious:
This is the fountain in the center of the main building:
This is a fountain that made me laugh:
I believe this is where they used to hold services... According to Pablo, they now hold fashion shows here:
All in all, it was a fantastic afternoon. Even though I lost the bet, I was happy to finally have some company to explore the city.
Love you all!
Do you make it a point to visit a jail in every country you go to?
Emily + statue/fountain= In-a-propriate :)
I believe in Sister Act they call the nun's bedrooms "cells." ;) I'm jealous. Let's go to Peru
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