Actually, it's been fairly uneventful around here. I moved here knowing I wouldn't get a paycheck for a month and ten days, but I had an unrealistic expectation that it would be so much cheaper for everything here. It's not. Yes, there is a lot that's very inexpensive, but for the most part, it's fairly similar here as far as prices go.
That said, it's hard to go find awesome things to post about when you have to decide whether to spend your money on food or beer :) hahahahah.
School is going well. The teacher I replaced, Brooke, came in to visit the kids on Friday before she goes back to Canada. It was really cool to see the kids with her. Also, she said that she was so glad to see that they were all happy with me. It made me feel good that she feels like the kids are in capable hands :)
In drama, we've started making our background trees for the jungle set of Scary Dino (the play we're doing). We perform Thursday (which also means I'm expected to buy ice cream for all the kids thursday), so I'm going to try to record the final rehearsal Tuesday for you all to see (and evaluate my mad choreography skills,hahahaha).
Also, on Friday, we went to the galbi place after work again. But this time, we got something called samgyeopsal, which is like super-thick bacon that you grill. Then you eat it the same way, all wrapped in a leaf with whatever toppings you want. So delicious! Then it was on to Crazy Beer!

In Korea it is considered gauche to drink without eating something. So many places serve little bowls of the above. It tastes like salty puffed air, and I love it!
Here is me rocking the Harry Potter shirt while Courtney stares hungrily at my beer:

On Saturday I got up and decided to go right at the big intersection instead of left. I'd never been up that way before. There wasn't a lot up that way, except THE BIGGEST CHURCH I'VE EVER SEEN! It was this huge Christian church that looked like a big office building or something. Crazy huge. And they had a very unique sculpture out front:

"I like to picture my Jesus like a bodybuilder, with big ol' muscles."
It just seemed very strange to me that the artist felt the need to pull down part of Jesus' robe to expose his chest and shoulders. Weird.
Today I finally got out and climbed this little hill that I pass on the way to E-mart.

You climb those stairs, and some more, then it just becomes a path with a rope railing, until finally you reach the top!! Here is how you are rewarded for your efforts:

So of course I had to try it out! Here's an awesome action shot of me working out on the "stand here and do the twist" machine:

I'm good with the timer, what can i say? :)
Also, I saw this large crater up there:

Meteorite? Giant birdbath? Spa for relaxing in after the exercise? You decide.
When they're not climbing hills to work out at the top, Koreans love their fried chicken. There are about as many fried chicken places around here as pizza places (and there's a TON of those!). We just had a new one open up near our apartments. Apparently, whenever some place has a grand opening, the "dancing girls" come out and wear skimpy clothes and entice people (men) to come to that particular business.
While I don't have a picture of them (sorry Uncles), I do have a picture of the awesome self-promotion this particular fried chicken place has placed on their wall outside:

Yeah baby, bring on the EGGPAPA!!!
Love you all!!
No pictures of the dancing girls?! You are useless -.-
I kid I kid
I love your reference to Talladega Nights, but I prefer to picture my Jesus as the lead singer for Lynyrd Skynyrd, rocking out with a big angel behind him. ;P
The bar food actually looks good. Maybe you can bring some of those ideas back to Kansas with you and rock everyone's world. Thanks for posting a new blog cause I was starting to shake everytime I checked the site and the Korean TV post was still at the top (you know, withdraw symptoms).
My first day of being a 2nd year law student starts tomorrow and I am kinda nervous. I feel like it is so much different than last year because as a 1st year, everyone expects you to be clueless. But as a 2nd year, I am suppossed to know what is going on already (which I am not sure I do). Plus, I have a job this year during school so I am nervous about properly balancing my time and effort. Also, I still don't have the textbooks I ordered from Amazon, so I will be going to at least the first day of class unprepared and book-less. I wasn't nervous until today, so at least I haven't been freaking out about this for a week because my skin tends to break out when I am stressed. Nothing like going to school on the first day with a big zit!! Fingers crossed one doesn't pop up overnight.
Talk to you again soon.
Ok so that game show with the people trying to go through the walls is totally coming to america. Like 2 days after craig and i read that we saw a commercial for it and i was like i wonder if thats what shes talking about and then the announcer said comming soon to america. I WAS LIKE THATS WAY TO STRANGE. You no more tell us about it and they decide to show it here. It was at like 11 at night on ch.8 or something like that. CRAZY.....
Mary - good luck in your second year!! I'm sure everyone else feels the same as you do!
Callie - that is TOTALLY wild!!! You'll have to get a video of the commercial or something for me... Maybe the TV "Powers That Be" are reading my blog and are seeing what Americans are interested in :) Well, if so, I WANT COMPENSATED FOR THAT, YOU GUYS!! YOU READING THIS??? :) hahahah
It looks like someone left their bar of soap in the crater after cleaning up after a tough workout. Also, in regaurds to Callie's comment, Emily lives in the future now. We must get used to finding out about up comming shows through her. You should tell your mom who wins big brother.=)
Do Koreans litter like Americans do? I bet you get to see some hilarious translations! We took good care of Rick on Saturday. Kevin and I think he is so funny that we want him to come over and entertain us, but he says he will charge. I know that you would do it for free. I love you!
Man, I miss you. I'm having some baby mama issues (shocker, I know) and you used to be just a text away and now you're not. There was definitely a tear in my beer last night just for you. :( But on the brighter side you keep using new, fun words like "gauche." And that makes me happy. :) I think my normal vocabulary is slowly being replaced with legal terms like "mandamus" and "in limine." That's the only reason I can think of for being awed by your vocab. Little. Novel. Creative. Emily. So... you can come home now. I miss you. :(
this made me laugh i found it on his myspace. i found it on hey, im joe freige. Junior at maize and im 17. i play football and baseball. i like girls. My style is Korean Kenpo Kung-Fu mixed with Gracey holds and Shamrock ankle locks. I love to beat the shit out of people, drink lemonade with sugar but not too much sugar just a little, practice ninchucks, throw Chinese stars, run (from the law), hunt deer with my hands feet or tiger claws, collect deer urine (I sneak up on them and catch piss in my 2 liter mountain dew bottles), and burn the road up in my BMW!
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