I love this picture of my kids - it's so representative of how chaotic they are all the time!

This party's treats were cookies, these weird rice-ball-things with honey/sugar in the middle, cake from Paris Baguette, Capri Sun, fruit kebabs (that included tomatoes, thus ending that old debate, I guess), some weird rice-cake-bread-things, and of course, Go-Gurt. I hate go-gurt. I have to open it for each child, and it makes a horrible sticky mess. I think they keep bringing it cuz they hate me. :)
So after a long day back at work after a long weekend, Danielle and I decided it was time for some wine. We found some delicious stuff that was priced at $9, but rang up as $14. I guess the price went up, but a nice English-speaking employee gave us the lower price. Woo hoo!

Today we had a field trip with the kindergarteners. Of course, we didn't find out about it until lunchtime yesterday.. "Umm, teachers? We will be taking a field trip tomorrow, so you must be here by 9:30. We are going to mmmm..environment museum...mmmm... ok?"
Turns out it was a recycling center! Their mascot is this Tin Man named Canny, and the kids seemed to enjoy themselves. Look at how good they were watching the video:

Then we sat them down in a giant syringe:

And showed them another video on a wall that included this picture:

It was great!
Also, I taught my kids the name game song.. You know, "Emily Emily bo-bemily, banana-nana-fo-femily, fee-fi-mo-memily... EMILY!" Anyways, it's so adorable because they don't really know it well yet, so during math yesterday Eileen was writing her numbers out and softly singing "Eileen Eileen bo-beileen, banananana..na...na...na... EILEEN!" hilarious!! They get such a kick out of it.
I don't really have anything else that will end this blog entry nicely... so... until next time...
She's got the birthday girl in a choke hold!
What a neat field trip idea! So I think I asked you earlier, but how big are the olympics to Koreans?
I wonder how many people are singing the name game song after reading this post? Come on admit it, you sang the song using your name...
So what was the significance of the nurse and the bare bottom boy?
I am GUILTY of singing with the post! HEHE Thanks for that Emily.
I love your narration of the foods you are trying.
Just so you know, your blog has become a daily addiction for me :)
~Everyone looks happy except the B-day girl. It's her b-day and she'll cry if she wants to...maybe it's because she didn't have mini corn dogs on a stick like the other chick.
~What's up with the one rogue kid in the army gear? Too cool for khaki and yellow?
~How exactly do giant syringes fit in with recycling? "Hey Emily, where should I throw away my dirty used syringe?" "Don't be wasteful Michele. Let me use it. We must RECYCLE. Didn't you learn anything at the Environment Museum?!?"
~I wonder if anyone will try to translate the word "fee-fi-mo-memily" in their Korean dictionary? Way to go teaching them proper English ;) Just kidding. I think I am just jealous b/c my name only rhymes with bell and whale.
~Sorry! It's too easy to make sarcastic jokes! I love it, but I love you more. Miss you!!!
MIchele!!! You keep cracking me up!! I love it!!! The syringe and bare-bottomed boy were in this part where they watch a video in which the Earth goes to the doctor, and the diagnosis is it's sick from us screwing up the environment. So we have to recycle to make Earth healthy. Or we kill it.
ha ha, funny thoughts from Michele, the birthday girl is being choked thats why she is sad. Isn't ironic when the person in camoflage is the one who sticks out the most? I love Korean pictures!
Hi again, I am the Maple Bear Teacher in Yongin. We are a brand new school and the director has asked me to compile a list of possoible field trip places. Would you mind sharing some locations with me? I have done some sleuthing, but much is in Korean, leaving me clueless in some ways. Any help would be very appreciated! Thank you :)
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