First, on the way to school, I saw that a new sunflower had bloomed:

Then, during my first afternoon class, it was storming. One kid said "Oh no! Tornado!" So I got to do this whole spiel about tornadoes and the Wizard of Oz and I drew this awesome picture of the US and Kansas and Wichita and tornadoes with houses and cows and bikes in them, and I told the kids not to erase it (because I was gonna take a picture) but of course they did (the punks).
Anyways, I decided it was important to talk about in all three of my afternoon classes, so I did :) What was awesome was about 40% of the kids knew about the Wizard of Oz and knew what I was talking about - it was great!
Also, in my second afternoon class we're reading Snow White. Each class is reading a different fairy tale... Anyways, we were at the part where the Queen is trying to poison Snow White, and right as one of my girls read out loud "'Here,' said the Queen, 'try this apple. It's delicious.'" a HUGE thunderclap boomed... It was PERFECT TIMING!!! We all just started cracking up.
It's been beautifully cloudy the last two days - it's awesome because I don't sweat on the way to school (until I get in the elevator). I hope this means the miserable summer is nearing its end.
We have Friday off of work, so Thursday night a bunch of us are getting together for a Family Guy night at Danielle and AJ's (Oh yeah, MY Family Guy DVDs... I'm an important part of the evening's entertainment, woo hoo!!!!). Then Friday Jordan and I are taking the Seoul City Bus Tour - basically the bus goes all day and hits each stop every 30 minutes, so if you want to get off somewhere (say, to see the Prison History Museum, yesssss) then you can get back on after you check it out! I'm pretty pumped about it... Other than that, no plans for the weekend though. :(
Here's a pretty picture I took today of some happy daisies that greet me each morning:

Love 'em. And, because I like to keep you all abreast of my culinary activities, here's the dinner I made last night (Mandu and some sort of meat-thing):

That's all for today! Hopefully I'll get some rockin' pictures tomorrow and Friday to show off!!
Love you all!
I can't wait to see your pictures from Seoul. That sounds like a blast! I think it would also be a good idea to show your students other aspects of Kansas, that way eventually the foriengers will not expect Kansas to be what they have seen in The Wizard of Oz. Oh! As a side note "some sort of meat-thing" sounds delicious.
Maybe you could bake bread or something in class to teach them about the wheat production of our great state. Ooh! Maybe you could find a Pizza Hut and share that with them! I'm so glad you're getting out and seeing your new home. I made the mistake of not doing that when I lived in New Orleans, and I will always regret it. Find a pool hall. I remember that being interesting. Also, look for the big outdoor malls that resemble flea markets. They have a bunch of ripped off namebrand stuff. You may have to go to Seoul for that, but totally worth it! Cheap souveniers/gifts! Love ya!
Your first 3 day weekend. I'm glad you are going exploring. I'm with Breea, find the cheap goods at the roadside stands. Have a great time this weekend.
Love you and miss you,
I don't have anyone to IM when I'm BORED!!! Come home.... ;)
The kids are very cute! You are too! It is Kansas in Kansas here and I miss you very much. You mom probably already told you that they are not coughing up the dough for your referal. Although I haven't completely gave up yet. Have fun exploring in your exotic paradise you now call home.
I should have proofread, sorry for the butchering of the English language, maybe you need to teach me...
Can I post pictures as comments?
Hi, Emily! Thanks for the pics - it looks pretty good. I'm glad that you are enjoying the children. It seems a bit odd to be looking at your stuff halfway (???) around the world. Keep us posted - it's wonderful. XOXO - Love you - Aunt Karen and Tio
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