Laura, in all her birthday cuteness:

The "Cut the first slice with the teacher" tradition:

You'll notice I've gotten a haircut here, but still need to get some color action before the blonde highlights start at my ears
And of course, the silly group photo:

Pay attention to a couple of things going on in this photo;
First, the food. I'm happy to report we're back to huge birthday spreads, this one including fried chicken, melon-on-a-stick, the damned Capri Sun, rice cakes, rice balls, strawberry cake from Tous Les Jours, and of course, cookies and treat boxes with crayons, coloring books, and stickers for the kids to take home.
Second, my children are goofy. As if their faces weren't evidence enough, take a look at the whiteboard behind us. Every day, I ask their feelings. Under the "A" in happy you'll see I had students feeling Christmas, Halloween, Seal-Elephant, Double-U ("W"), and Kathleen said she was feeling Laura, so I had to try to replicate Laura's hairdo on a smileyface. I love these kids.
It was appropriate that Laura was feeling Halloween today, given that my favorite holiday is fast approaching. LCI has a big celebration every year, and we just recieved our assignments for H-DAY. I was one of the lucky 4 that will be responsible for the haunted house in the playgym (think McDonald's PlayPlace). Steve, Tyler, Brett and I have already been brainstorming how best to make sure we scare the pee out of these little monsters. My goal is that every child leave in tears... . muwahahahahahahhahaha!!!!
And finally - I recieved my Alien Registration Card today!!! I'm officially an Alien. I think these means I can get free college now, hahaha. And also, I have to set up my first Korean bank account, which apparently takes about an hour, so us newbies will be fighting over precious bank time during our lunch hours this week.
That's it for now. Love reading everyone's comments. It's amazing to see how many people read this blog - we've got 'em from as far north as Wisconsin (Hi Cindi!), covering the Midwest (Hi almost everyone else!), and clear down to Florida (Hi Uncle Audie and Jonas and Aunt Adrianna!)! Not to mention another teacher near my town here posted a comment about stumbling across my blog - so it's a networking tool now too!
Love you all!
Let me try that again...Looks like I'll be at LCI in January now. Apparently someone over there needs knee surgery?? Anyway, I get more psyched everytime I read your blog! Can't wait!
Hi Emily, I'm trying so hard to figure out what to send Steve for his birthday, Nov 9th Any ideas? I would really like to send Wisconsin cheese and sausage; or steaks?? Do you khow long mail takes from the US? Did you know that Steve's grandma's name is Lucille?
I loved that one student was feeling seal-elephant cause thats how I'm feeling today. The kids look like they really love your class, What's not to love about "B-day party 101"! It amazes me that none of your students are pushing maximum capacity with all that cake and other goodies. I love you and I meeesss youuuu! (spoken in voice of "Beer Fest" character.
You are so an alien. I don't know why, but that gives me the giggles. :)
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