That's our Ghostly Graveyard. Pretty cool, eh?
This is also my first posted photo from my new camera! Last weekend we went to the TechnoMart in Seoul. It's basically a gadget-head's Heaven. Each floor is dedicated to a different electronic something-or-other, and you can negotiate for better prices! I must say, Stacy and I make quite a team... We talked the price down, and got an extra battery and leather carrying case for my new green camera!
I also just heard that Billy Joel is coming to Korea... I'm gonna see the Piano Man in Seoul- How awesome is that?!?! (which is affordable now that it looks like I won't be doing any traveling over Christmas, unless anyone wants to meet me in Taiwan... any takers?)
Sorry it's been so long since I posted - it's just been kinda boring around here!
Love you all!
Don't let a little thing like no one to travel with stop you. Remember leave no regrets. I love you,
Those decorations are TOO CUTE! We're having our first Halloween party with Jadie this year, and we've going to hang something similar from our trees outside. So I finished my first case today. :) I have officially divorced people with children. I'm feeling a bit proud of myself today, I dare say! And I can't believe you're going to see Billy Joel! SO UNFAIR! I can't tell you how much I'd love to meet you in Taiwan... But go anyway! And don't go for XMAS, go for New Year's! I bet you'd see some cool dragons and parades and stuff. Wait... am I thinking of the Chinese New Year? Anyway, I'll send you some $$$ to get me a smokin' hot, red, little Asian button-up dress thing. Know what I'm talking about? I gotta get me one of those! More later! I loooooove yooooouuuuuuuu!!!
Great job..! Adorable Halloween art project.
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