I thought, since Halloween is approaching and when it's over, so is the fun (haha), that I'd give you all a little glimpse into what I do in Kindergarten every day (for now).
First, we do Feelings. I ask each child how they are feeling today, and you've seen some of the silly responses. Then, we do the date, weather, and show-and-tell. This takes 30-40 minutes. Then they get a bathroom break and playtime.
Laura is always doing something creative - she's got an incredible mind:
Sally generally does whatever her friends are doing, but today she was trying to draw my camera exactly right:
And Andrew plays with the blocks:
During playtime I do homework check. Yes, 5-year-olds have homework. About three pages a night. After playtime, we work out of their books:
As a reward for being forced to sit still and do bookwork, they get 15 minutes in playgym. Playgym is awesome! It's got a trampoline, slide, tunnels, etc etc.
And so you can have an idea what playgym sounds like:
After playgym, it's back to their seats for more "don't act like a 5-year-old" time:
And now, they have to learn songs for Halloween. So shortly before lunch time we practice one:
First, a pic of the scary ghost masks they made -
Here's our song "Skin and Bones" (be sure to listen for the trademark Korean Whine from two children towards the end)
After lunch, we either do art, science, educational games, or math, depending on the day. Then we practice their other Halloween song before going home:
And there you have it. Kindergarten. It's a blast!
Love you all!
I thought the last line was supposed to be "I'll pull down your underwear!"!!
Yeah, the school wasn't down with that. And actually, they rewrote it with like, three verses, one if which included the lines "give me candies, not too small, about the size of Montreal." Well, I wasn't about to let any Canuck influence into my classroom. So I modified it. :)
So this may be a dumb question, but I assume the children are taking American names for class like how we took French names in French class, right?
I miss you. :(
Totally not a dumb question. Yes, for the most part they have English names (the cutest was when they asked me what MY Korean name is, haha). A couple have opted to keep their Korean names, so I have a Sun Q and a Joo Yun, but I also have Esther and Cherry and Eileen and Tara and Ella and Sam and David and Andy and Justin, etc etc.
I miss you too. A lot.
I like the ghost song. Only Andy seemed to really get into it, maybe he is a natural when it comes to acting. The kids are very cute!
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