Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Save the drama for... me!

So I've finished my second day at work.. I realized today I am teaching a total of 6 classes... Mon-Fri I teach Kindergarten from 10-2:20, then on MWF I have an elementary class at 2:30, 4:00, and 5:30. (Three different levels, same basic structure). Then Tues/Thurs I also have a Drama class at 2:30, and an upper-level elementary writing class at 4:00. So yes, 6 classes to prepare for and keep track of and figure out!!!

But the point of all this is - I <3 T/Th. My drama class is great, these kids are nuts, and the writing class is awesome too.

I didn't take pictures of my walk to work today.. I totally meant to, but forgot my camera. So tomorrow, I promise. I realized today that I walk right past a little patch of garden every day - like, a food garden. There's corn and tomatoes and cucumber... it's kinda wild.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful, a writting class and a drama class, I bet you will enjoy those.....but I can't help but feel a little sorry for the drama class, they have no idea how creative you can be.....happy to hear your 2nd day went well.
Love you, miss you, and "see you in September". (ok, March, but the quote is a movie or a line from a movie so I had to throw that in.

Anonymous said...

How's your Korean coming along? I can't imagine it being very easy to teach some kids one language, without really knowing theirs, especially in their own country where they speak and hear their language everywhere

Anonymous said...

You punk! I can't believe I didn't know about this ridiculously adorable blog until today! I promise to check it everyday (at least M-F)! I'll be sending out pics of this past month soon. Everything sounds so stinkin' cool! Yay for you, Emmylou! More later! LOVE YOU! B

P.S. That is a very lovely set of luggage that you have. Wherever did you get it?! :)

Anonymous said...

This does look like an adventure but you are just the gal for it. I'm glad things are going well. I certainly do appreciate this blog so we can keep tabs on you. Take care and be careful!!

Deedra said...

Hey chicky... I miss you so much.
Selfishly ~ I can't wait for you to come home.
Unselfishly ~ THIS IS JUST WHAT YOU NEEDED! Take your time and have a BLAST ! ! !
Sure wish you had a video phone so I could see you !!!

Unknown said...

Well, child - the fans are coming out...your blog is wonderful! If anyone can "teach" drama, it is you. I believe we all have the ability - born with it! You keep having fun and we'll see you soon. I love you and miss you, sweetie! Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Food on the way there and on the way back, sounds perfect. Oh the drama class sounds great, sure right whatever.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I don't understand. Did you have ANY training on how to teach these kids?!? Or did you just show up day one and wing it? I mean, do the kids speak any English at all...how do they have a clue what you are talking about (or how do you know what they are talking about)? This just blows my mind...