Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Breea!

For my best friend in the whole wide world...

I love you so much. I'm glad you were born!

(ps - I swear they're saying "Breea")


Jalayne (Emily's momma) said...


Bree-da-dee said...

Thank you, Emily! That was the best birthday song I've ever had! I miss you sooooo much! I love you!!!

CJ said...

Happy Birthday Breea!!!!!!!!!
What happened to the kid who got knocked out of the video, has he regained consciousness yet??

Paul said...

Hello Lady Emily,
You are simply remarkable and no matter what terrible things you might think of me, know that I've never stopped thinking of you.

Bree-da-dee said...

Yeah, so... Who is Paul and why is he raining on my birthday posting? :)

Anonymous said...

hey bree
i'm her dad not knowing how to get hold of her. sorry about jumping on your birthday

Emily Lucille said...

Wow. That was a shock. April 6 is still all yours, Breea :) But really, am I the only one who fell out of my chair when I read that?

Good to hear from you, Paul :)

Bree-da-dee said...

Holy crap! You're not alone, Em. Just fell out of my chair! How 'bout them apples?! You're going to have to call me about this one! Forget to mention in my last comment, I totally heard I'm On Fire the other day and thought of you. I miss you sooooo much. But I'm sooooooooo proud of you, too! I only hope that during my life time I can do something half as cool as what you're doing for yourself right now!