Monday, August 25, 2008

In the works:

FYI- we are working on setting up an LCI teachers' blog, where everyone can post common pictures, LCI/Jukjeon experiences, etc, etc... So be on the lookout!


Anonymous said...

As long as you keep you blog updated daily that will be fine......
Love you,

Anonymous said...

So last night when I was giving Jordan a bath, I heard my phone start to ring in the living room. No biggie, I thought. I don't really want to talk to anyone right now anyway. But then it turns out it was YOU! I totally started crying when I heard your voice! Let's make a plan to talk as soon as possible. Just let me know what time is best for you, because I have no idea what your schedule is. I have a webcam set up to my Skype account, and I know you'll be wanting to see my beautiful face. :) You're doing a tremendously brave thing by being out there, Em. And I am so very, very proud of you! Soak in the novelty and excitement of it all and let the other stuff roll off your back. This experience will be an amazing thing for you to reflect upon in the future, a great story to tell your kids, a peaceful memory to escape to when you find yourself surrounded by mortgage payments and parent-teacher conferences, blah blah blah. You are such an amazing woman! Let me know when we can talk soon!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...
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